Setaria sphacelata (Schumach.) Stapf & C.E.Hubb. ex Moss

synonyms: Setaria anceps

giant foxtail, kazungula, African foxtail, golden timothy


Subfamily: Panicoideae
Genus etymology: Setaria = "bearing bristles" [Latin] refering to the bristles of the inflorescence
Species etymology: sphacelata = "speckled with brown or black" [Latin] refering to the fertile lemma
Photosynthetic type: C4 (warm season)
Nativity: naturalized - intentional
First recorded in Hawaiʻi: 1965


 Distribution of Setaria sphacelata in Hawaiʻi.


Setaria sphacelata Inflorescence
Setaria sphacelata Inflorescence
Setaria sphacelata Inflorescence


Setaria sphacelata Plant


Setaria sphacelata Habit
Setaria sphacelata Habit


Setaria sphacelata Spikelets
Setaria sphacelata Spikelets
Setaria sphacelata Spikelets
Setaria sphacelata Spikelets


Setaria sphacelata Collar
Setaria sphacelata Collar


Tufted perennial arising from short rhizomes, these occasionally elongated and creeping; basal sheaths often flabellate, sometimes conspicuously so; culms 20–300 cm. high, the nodes quite glabrous. Leaf-blades flat or convolute, 10–50 cm. long, 2–17 mm. wide, acuminate. Panicle spiciform, cylindrical, 3–50 cm. long, spikelets pallid to purple with fulvous bristles (except var. torta), the rhachis tomentellous; bristles 1.5–12 mm. long, 6–15 below each cluster of 1–4 spikelets. Spikelets elliptic, oblique but scarcely gibbous or laterally compressed, 1.5–3.5 mm. long; lower glume up to 1/2 as long as the spikelet, obtuse or acute; upper glume 1/3–2/3(–3/4) as long as the spikelet, (3–)5-nerved; lower floret ♂, its lemma thinly papery; upper lemma rugose, usually strongly so, but occasionally almost smooth.
(Description source: Clayton, W.D. & Renvoize, S.A. 1982. Flora of Tropical East Africa. Gramineae (Part 3). A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam. 448 pp. )

Tufted, shortly rhizomatous perennial up to 150 cm high, the nodes glabrous; basal sheaths breaking up into fibres; leaves flat or inrolled, acuminate. Panicle contracted, spike-like, cylindrical, 5–35 cm long, the bristles fulvous, the rhachis tomentellous; bristles 1.5–12 mm long. Spikelets elliptic, 1.5–3.5 mm long; lower glume up to 1/2 the length of the spikelet; upper glume 1/3–2/3(–3/4) the length of the spikelet, 3- to 5-nerved; lower floret male; upper lemma rugose.
(Description source: Cope, T.A, (1995) Flora Somalia, Vol 4. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, London. 312 pp. )

Tufted perennial, arising from a short rhizome. Culms 20–300 cm. high, the nodes quite glabrous. Panicle 3–50 cm. long, spiciform, cylindrical, spikelets mostly pallid to purple with fulvous bristles, the rhachis tomentellous; bristles 1.5–12 mm. long, 6–15 below each cluster of 1–4 spikelets. Spikelets 1.5–3.5 mm. long, elliptic, oblique but scarcely gibbous or laterally compressed. Inferior glume up to 1/2, the superior 1/3–2/3(3/4) length of spikelet and (3)5-nerved. Inferior floret male, its lemma thinly papery. Superior floret rugose, usually strongly so, but occasionally almost smooth.
(Description source: Launert, E. & Pope, G.V. (eds.). 1989. Flora Zambesiaca. Volume 10. Part 3. Kew, London. 152 pp. )

Plants perennial; cespitose, rhizomatous, rhizomes stout. Culms 50-150 cm, flattened; nodes glabrous. Sheaths glabrous; blades 15-50 cm long, 4-10 mm wide, flat, rather lax. Panicles 5-25 cm long, 4-8 mm thick (excluding the bristles), densely spicate; bristles 5 or more, 3-6 mm, usually orange to purple. Spikelets 2.5-3 mm, elliptic-oblong. Lower glumes about as long as the spikelets; upper florets staminate; upper glumes Vi-A as long as the spikelets; lower lemmas equaling the upper lemmas; lower paleas equaling the upper paleas, broad; upper lemmas finely and transversely rugose; upper paleas similar to the upper lemmas. 2n = 36, 54.
(Description source: Barkworth, M.E., Capels, K.M., Long, S. & Piep, M.B. (eds.) 2003. Flora of North America, north of Mexico. Volume 25. Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Poaceae, Part 2. Oxford University Press, New York. 783 pp )