Panicum longivaginatum H.St.John

no known common names


Subfamily: Panicoideae
Genus etymology: Panicum = "belonging to bread" [Latin] refering to use by several species as cereal grains
Species etymology: longivaginatum = "possessing long sheaths" [Latin] refering to the sheaths
Photosynthetic type: C4 (warm season)
Nativity: endemic


 Distribution of Panicum longivaginatum in Hawaiʻi.


Panicum longivaginatum Inflorescenceimage credit: Kanoa_Kimball


Panicum longivaginatum Plantimage credit: Kanoa_Kimball
Panicum longivaginatum Plantimage credit: Kanoa_Kimball
Panicum longivaginatum Plantimage credit: Kanoa_Kimball
Panicum longivaginatum Plantimage credit: Kanoa_Kimball


Panicum longivaginatum Spikeletsimage credit: Kanoa_Kimball


Panicum longivaginatum Collarimage credit: Kanoa_Kimball
Panicum longivaginatum Collarimage credit: Kanoa_Kimball


Perennial, 62–71 cm tall, leaf sheath 5–11 cm long, pilose ciliate, blade 10–13 mm wide; panicle 11–13 cm long; spike 2.8–3.1 mm long, fusiform-elliptic; lower glume 0.3–0.6 mm long, fan–shaped. The characteristic features that set this species apart from other members of the genus in Hawai‘i are its stiff lanceolate leaves and short clasping lower glume. [Note that this is not a true Panicum, but needs to be transfered to Dichanthelium -KF]
(Description source: Herbst, D.R. & Clayton, W.D. 1998. Notes on the grasses of Hawai‘i: new records, corrections, and name changes. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 55(1): 17–38. )